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Details About Bedside Manners E-Book

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This 22 page handbook will help you EASE through the COMPLEX DEMANDS your patient makes on you: * Including actual wordking to say * Balance Your Inner Success at Work * Enjoy work more * Sleep Better * Manage Time Effectively. Patient Communication is key to your work satisfaction Patient Communication is key to your work satisfaction 22 pages packed with decades of experience. Certainly Mastery over medicine is first. But mastering yourself and your attitude is the Key to your success with patient relations. By following the step-by-step exercises in this workbook, you Relax into Focus, Become Alert, and Live in the Moment. You move into “The Success Zone” at will. In a PDF download sent directly to your email. The following quotes and "snippets" of quotes are from the endorsements for BEDSIDE MANNERS: The Pain Clinician's Guide to Effective Medical Communication: "A wonderful, easy read packed full of great information regarding the importance of our words and state of mind. A must-read for anyone involved in the healing arts, but since we all interact with others all the time .... everyone could benefit from the tips on communication and self-awareness. Loved the easy-to-do, quick exercises he included." - Anne King, CH. "A year ago I walked into a one hour presentation at PAINweek on something that I had always been interested in; Medical Hypnosis presented by these two crazy guys - Michael Ellner & Dan Cleary. I walked out several hours later with my practice and direction profoundly altered. Read this. Try it. Play with it. Better yet build in a moment of silence to practice these techniques between every patient; for your patients, for your health, for the profound possibility that exists in that moment to literally transform your life and your practice. Not bad for a light read." - Stephen Manigo-Hedt, MS, PA-C, CHt. "This is stuff we should have learned in medical school, it just wasn't taught. Ellner's book helps fill the doctor-patient gap that we are creating with technology. Ten minutes of reading and 3 minutes of mental exercises, several times a day will likely save providers hours of unnecessary work per week. It will also improve their relationship with each of their patients. I really like this book!" - Eduardo Gembs, M.D., FAAFP "Exceptional. I have applied these techniques and teachings to my personal life and my practice." - G. Ernest Lofton MD, MPH. CH "... Offers vital reminders for experienced practitioners and essential lessons for all others who treat persons with pain. - Stewart B. Leavitt, MA PhD, Executive Director Pain Treatment Topics (Pain-Topics.org) "I am happy to recommend Michael Ellner's book, "BEDSIDE MANNERS: The Pain Clinician's Guide to Effective Medical Communication" - This book is a great guide for those new to working with medical clients as well as for those with years of experience who are looking to refine their effectiveness." - Richard Nongard, LMFT President ICBCH, Author Medical Meditation: How to Reduce Pain, Decrease Complications and Recover Faster from Surgery, Disease and Illness "Michael Ellner, a remarkably effective, compassionate healer and teacher, invites clinicians to explore the healing potential of verbal communication. I applaud Michael for this important and thoughtful initiative that certainly benefits both patients and their caregivers." - Wes Rocki, MD, PhD, CHt, MIM N. Virginia Mind-Body Medicine Clinic "This is simply a must read for any healthcare provider serious about improving patient outcomes." - Richard Clark, MFT "This guide is highly recommended for doctors and their patients. Effective communication validates the patient and promotes trust and caring." Ronald M. Chase, M.D. "Michael Ellner's guide invites a sense of liveliness and fulfillment into a healthcare environment. It is a mindful approach to caring for our patients, co-workers and our-selves. The guide contains attitude-shifting recommendations, as well as a series of brief meditative exercises which are easy to carry out in a busy practice." Eugene Perlov, M.D. "In this busy, impersonal world, it is wonderful how Michael Ellner’s guide reminds the clinician of the importance of personal real communication in the medical setting." Janet Crain, D.M.D. Author of: If you want an eggroll, get out of the pizzeria. "BEDSIDE MANNERS: The Pain Clinician's Guide to Effective Medical Communication" is excellent. It is short and "to the point"; and very easy for a health care practitioner to use immediately." - Steve Sandler, DDS "If you are involved in Healthcare and you are in it to help people, listen to and learn what Michael Ellner teaches in this book. These are simple techniques that only take moments but are powerful enough to change your life as well as the lives of your patients, your staff/colleagues/coworkers and your family members!" Sue Weinert Hull, RDH, BS, CHt "A book for ANYONE who deals with those in pain- this is breakthrough material that is not to be missed and should (playfully) be taken SERIOUSLY." Luanne Pennesi, RN, MS Integrative Nurse, Author, Athlete and Wellness Trainer "I've never run across a book that made relaxing into effective communication so easy to understand. I'm recommending it to every clinician who cares for patients who suffer with chronic, debilitating pain.” Robert F. Otto, CEO International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®

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